Chiropractic Massage

Chiropractic massage therapy is an excellent modality for treating a wide array of physical ailments and is frequently recommended as an effective complement to traditional chiropractic care. Chiropractic care uses adjustments of the musculoskeletal system to address common ailments such as neck and back pain, headaches, disc problems, joint dysfunction, osteoarthritis, sciatica, and carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are located in the area of Warren, Ohio, and are interested in expert and compassionate chiropractic, contact Dr. Gerald E. Dickson at Gentle Chiropractic & Chiropractic Care.

What is Chiropractic Massage Therapy?

Chiropractic massage therapy is an effective treatment for addressing soft tissue injuries and facilitating musculoskeletal efficiency. Chiropractic massage increases the body’s circulatory system and blood flow by addressing the tendons, muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues through moderate pressure on various parts of the body.  Chiropractic massage also focuses on spinal health and is an excellent preventive method for slowing degenerative conditions and minimizing the risk of future injuries.

Chiropractic massage therapy helps reduce chronic inflammation, removes toxins built up in the muscles, alleviates tension, improves the body’s connective tissue, and increases flexibility. Chiropractic massage is beneficial for the treatment of headaches, high blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, anxiety, sleep disorders, and back pain. Chiropractic massage also fosters holistic healing in post-surgery recovery and can reduce the side effects of cancer therapy.

What Happens at the Initial Visit?

On your initial visit, Dr. Dickson will conduct a comprehensive exam to evaluate overall health and well-being, spinal health, lifestyle, illnesses, chronic conditions, and symptoms of pain and discomfort. Dr. Dickson will then recommend an individualized treatment plan that will optimize your healing journey. Located in Warren, Ohio, Dr. Dickson is a third-generation chiropractor who has a vast amount of expertise and can help you on your journey to healing and wellness.

Chiropractic massage therapy is frequently recommended as a concurrent treatment to accompany chiropractic adjustments. It is recommended that patients drink ample amounts of water to aid the body in the removal of toxins and reduce potential muscle soreness. If you are interested in learning more about chiropractic care in Warren, Ohio, contact Dr. Dickson at Gentle Chiropractic & Chiropractic Care. Our phone number is (330) 856-6999.

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