Neck Pain Treatments

Many things can cause you to have neck pain. Common causes are stress, poor posture, osteoarthritis, injury, aging, accident, and just being overweight or out of shape. Various forms of treatment are available and Dr. Gerald Dickson of Gentle Chiropractic in Warren, OH offers them at his practice. The goal is to improve the quality of your life and to help you manage your pain. 

Before any treatment is recommended, Dr. Dickson will need to do a complete examination. He will want to check your posture and alignment. With chiropractic treatment, the goal is to remove any imbalances that may be occurring that stop the body from being the best that it can be. Taking x-rays may be required to determine exactly what is causing the neck pain. Once the cause is diagnosed, the doctor will discuss which therapy is best for your particular case. 

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has many benefits. Not only does it bring relaxation, which is always a good thing, but in the hands of your chiropractor, it can help to relieve some of the pain associated with injuries to the neck. Massage can help relieve some soft tissue problems as well as muscle spasms and can improve your balance and flexibility. 

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help restore some range of motion that may have been lost in your neck. Losing range of motion can result in neck pain. With the careful use of therapeutic exercise, the neck can become more mobile and less painful. A variety of different stretching and flexing exercises are available. 


DTS or Spinal Decompression Therapy can be useful for neck pain when the cause is related to a disc in your neck. It can help to stabilize the muscles and bring relief. The treatment begins very passively and becomes more active over time and several different therapies may be used. This can be combined with some or all of the other therapies offered. 

Cold Laser

Cold laser therapy is a treatment that uses low-level light to help the body to heal itself. Laser light penetrates to where the pain is in the tissues and stimulates the healing at a cellular level. This works very well on neck pain as well as pain in many other areas of the body. Depending on the reason for your neck pain, this therapy can help with arthritis as well as injuries caused by accidents. 

If you are suffering from neck pain, Dr. Dickson can help. Call the office of Gentle Chiropractic in Warren, OH at 330-856-6999 to make an appointment for a complete evaluation.  

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