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Chiropractic treatments address the muscles as well as the joints. If you have muscles that are tight and overworked, chiropractic can help you loosen up. dicksonchiro.com
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Chiropractic uses force to realign the joints, but you shouldn't be afraid of it. If you have concerns, your chiropractor can discuss gentle treatment options. dicksonchiro.com
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Your neck is part of your spinal column. If you've been feeling stiffness or soreness there, your chiropractor can help you get well without dangerous interventions. dicksonchiro.com
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If you are an athlete or work a physically demanding job, you probably know how vulnerable you are to injuries. But people who spend most of their time seated are also at risk if they aren't maintaining their cores. dicksonchiro.com
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Chiropractic doesn't just make you feel better, it also resolves the underlying causes of pain. Why go for a temporary fix when you could have long-term wellness? dicksonchiro.com
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Have you asked your chiropractor about spinal decompression and traction? These treatments allow herniated discs to move back into position, improving the function of your back. dicksonchiro.com
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When your lumbar vertebrae are out of alignment, they can pinch the sciatic nerves and cause pain to radiate down one of your legs. But they can throw off the balance of your upper body, as well. dicksonchiro.com
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Whiplash is damage caused to your neck by rapid acceleration and deceleration. It can result in radiating pain and nerve problems, which is why it's important to see your chiropractor quickly if you've been in an accident. dicksonchiro.com
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A pinched nerve can result in shooting pain, tingling, or numbness. If you've been having these problems, an adjustment might be the solution. dicksonchiro.com
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Chiropractic adjustments can significantly reduce the stress on your joints, releasing pressure on nerves and soft tissues. But you may be surprised at what other services your chiropractor offers. dicksonchiro.com
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If there's a problem in your shoulder, it may pull on the muscles leading into your neck. Chiropractic can help you achieve balance throughout your entire body. dicksonchiro.com
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You may feel sciatica in your leg, but the problem is likely to be in your lower back. Chiropractors can release pressure on the sciatic nerve without resorting to drugs or surgery. dicksonchiro.com
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